Turning N5 Challenges into Opportunities to Master the Japanese Language

When I started learning Japanese and prepared for the JLPT N5 exam, I was faced with a multitude of questions: Where should I begin? How can I study effectively? Perhaps you, a newcomer to the world of Japanese, are grappling with these questions too. However, through my journey of study, I discovered several methods that helped me overcome this challenging phase.

One of the invaluable resources I consistently relied upon is the website: https://jplang.tufs.ac.jp/.
This learning material is from the Tokyo University of Foreign Studies, and it accompanied me throughout my N5 journey. The website not only offers detailed explanations of grammar for N5 and N4 levels but also organizes the content into individual lessons.
Each lesson comes with real-life dialogues, allowing you to grasp grammar and vocabulary organically. Vocabulary is neatly laid out with hiragana, kanji, and audio, enabling simultaneous learning of meaning and pronunciation.

Beyond just studying grammar and vocabulary, I dedicated time to practice pronunciation.
The website: https://jplang.tufs.ac.jp/ also includes dialogues at a slightly rapid pace, and I attempted to shadow them.
Initially, it might feel challenging, but with regular practice, you will gradually enhance your listening and pronunciation skills.

Regarding vocabulary, I utilized flashcards to study anytime and anywhere. This approach enabled me to review vocabulary daily and maintain my knowledge. Furthermore, I’d recommend using the Quizlet app to create lists of new words and practice online.

The app is very user-friendly and helps you monitor your learning progress.

When it came to kanji, I was fortunate to receive guidance from a teacher on memorization techniques. Instead of just memorizing the script, I learned to associate kanji characters with familiar images and create narratives.

For instance, the kanji “人” (meaning “person”) can be visualized as a standing figure.

By intertwining kanji with stories, the memorization process became more effortless.
Although JLPT N5 is the most basic level for Japanese learners, for me, it was the most challenging phase.
I was uncertain about where to start and how to proceed.
However, by cultivating self-study habits from the outset and persevering, I believe my subsequent Japanese learning journey will be smoother.
Remember, patience and diligence always yield rewards.

Thank you for reading my article until the end.

In the next article, I will continue sharing about my N3 exam preparation journey and the useful tools I adopted.
I hope my insights prove beneficial to all.